
Analyzer.ini is a normal Windows .INI file, so it has the following form:


Here it is the list of the sections and their explanation. All path are relative to the Analyzer's root directory.

PDF/IFF/DFF  the path of the PDF/IFF/DFF file set during the last Analyzer session
PDO/IFO/DFO  path of the correspondent object files; path of the object files cannot be modified through the graphical interface
LFO the LFO file path; it cannot be modified through the graphical interface
TmpDat it is the path of the file TmpDat.dat; it is a temporary file which exists only during the Analyzer execution. During a session it contains the list of all the temporary ACP file which are created. When the session ends this list is used by Analyzer to retrieve the names of all the temporary files which have to be deleted
FontList, FontDimList, FontRow, FontDimRow, FontTree, FontDimTree they contain the names and the dimensions of the Fonts which were set through the menu voices Setup / Font / ... during the last Analyzer session
AskCsv it memorizes which menu voice of the submenu Setup / Statistics Output / (Table, Text, Csv) was selected during the last session.
IndexSep it defines the separator used by the analysis engine to separate the strings which compose the packets index; this separator has to be known by the interface in order to decode the packets index text received by the analysis engine
CsvSep it defines a separator used by the analysis engine to write the statistics output text  This separator has to be known by the interface to decode the statistics text.
Left, Right, Top, Bottom Parameters used by the 'Page Setup' dialog (File / Page Setup), for the printing process.
[Capture Index] Labels to be printed on top of the columns of the top window (index view) 
Column_xxx Legend of the column number xxx
[width_col] Widths of the columns of the packets list
width_colxxx Width of column xxx
[capturesettings] This section contains the capture parameters used during the last capture session; so the Capture settings dialog is initialized using these values.
snaplen Length of the packet that has to be captured (and stored).
ncapture Number of the packets which have to be captured.
bufdim size of the buffer used by the packet driver.
promisquous set to 1 if the driver is in promiscuous mode, 0 otherwise.
adapter name of the last selected adapter
filtername a string containing the last used filter during capturing
[HTML] This section defines the fonts used in the html output of Analyzer.
HTML Header / Trailer of the font used for the title of the packet index view
HTML Header / Trailer of the font used into the packet index view
HTML Header / Trailer of the font used into the packet description view
HTML Header / Trailer of the font used into the packet dump view
CapFilters Path of the file cap_fltr.dat which defines the capture filters
Filters Path of the file filters.dat which defines the filters used to select the packets
Exts Path of the file exts.dat which defines the parameters presented by the dialog 'Capture definition and files extensions associations' (Setup / Capture /Capture Associations).
Apps Path of the file Apps.dat which contains the names and the executable files paths of the external applications presented by the menu Utility
[panes] Sizes of the top and left window
pane0 Height of the top window (index view)
pane1 Length of the left window (packet description view)
path Path of the folder in which graphical DLL libraries (the plug-ins) are stored.