This file stores the configuration settings for Query. It is located in the same directory which query.exe belongs to. Paths are relative to the Query.exe folder.

[PRINTF] It gives the way to extend the print possibilities of the method printf() used in DFF / IFF files; this section declares the associations between new parameters (used in printf) and the proper Section in TABLES.DAT
[Settings] It gives the way to extend the print possibilities of the method printf() used in DFF / IFF files; this section declares the associations between new parameters (used in printf) and the proper Section in TABLES.DAT
cols the cols number in the screen (used in console-mode only)
rows the rows number in the screen (used in console-mode only)
lfoName lfo file directory
pfoName pfo file directory
dfoName dfo file directory
ifoName ifo file directory
Tables TABLES.DAT directory
MaxItemSize the maximum packet size supported by capture file

The ACP capture file format has an header field (called 'Link Type') which defines the network type where the packets were captured from. In the section Cap the user can insert a row composed by an integer associated to a protocol name; the integer refers to the Link Type, the name refers to the protocol from which the analysis has to start. If this association is not present then the analysis starts from the MAC protocol. For instance the distributed INI file has the following values:
