DFF / IFF files grammar

Syntactic level

Described with YACC format:

   1  type : BYTE
   2       | WORD
   3       | DWORD

   4  name : NAME

   5  number : NUMBER
   6         | C_H_NUM
   7         | C_O_NUM
   8         | LIT_CH

   9  const_str : CONST_STRING

  10  expression : name 
  11              | name '[' expression ']'
  12              | ch_funz
  13              | number 
  14              | CHECK '(' expression ')'
  15              | CONV '(' expression ')'
  16              | CONV16 '(' expression ')'
  17              | CONV24 '(' expression ')'
  18              | CONV32 '(' expression ')'
  19              | '(' expression ')'
  20              | expression '+' expression 
  21              | expression LSHIFT expression 
  22              | expression RSHIFT expression 
  23              | expression NOT_EQ expression 
  24              | expression MIU expression 
  25              | expression MAU expression 
  26              | expression MIN expression 
  27              | expression MAG expression 
  28              | expression EQ expression 
  29              | expression AND expression 
  30              | expression OR expression 
  31              | expression '-' expression 
  32              | expression '*' expression 
  33              | expression '/' expression 
  34              | expression '%' expression 
  35              | '-' expression 
  36              | NOT expression 
  37              | assignment
  38              | SIZEOF '(' name ')'
  39              | OFFSETOF '(' name ')'
  40              | GETVMVAR '(' const_str ')'
  41              | COMMAND '(' const_str ')'
  42              | LEN '(' name ')'
  43              | STRLEN '(' name ')'

  44  assignment: name '=' expression 
  45               | name '[' expression ']' '=' expression 

  46  ch_funz : name '(' l_express ')'
  47          | name '(' ')'

  48  l_express : expression 
  49            | l_express ',' expression 

  50  program : llines
  51            |

  52  llines : declarations
  53         | c_function
  54         | llines declarations
  55         | llines c_function

  56  declaration : prototype

  57  prototype : type name '(' ')' ';'
  58            | type name '(' l_variables ')' ';'
  59            | ARRAY name ';'

  60  l_variables : type name
  61              | name
  62              | l_variables ',' type name
  63              | l_variables ',' name

  64  def_var : def_v ';'

  65  def_v : type name
  66        | def_v ',' name
  67        | type error

  68  l_instructions : l_instructions instruction
  69                | instruction
  70                | error

  71  instruction: instr ';'
  72             | construction 
  73             | def_var
  74             | '{' l_instructions '}'
  75             | '{' '}'

  76  construction : c_do
  77               | c_while
  78               | c_if
  79               | c_for

  80  do : DO

  81  while : WHILE

  82  for : FOR

  83  if : IF

  84  else : ELSE

  86  c_do : do instruction WHILE '(' expression ')' ';'
  87       | do instruction WHILE error

  89  c_while : while '(' expression ')' instruction 
  90          | while error

  91  t_if :

  92  c_if : if '(' expression ')' t_if instruction 

  94  c_if : if '(' expression ')' t_if instruction else instruction 
  95       | if error

  99  c_for : for '(' expression ';' expression ';' expression ')' instruction 
 100        | for error

 102  c_function : tipo nome '(' ')' '{' l_instructions '}'

 104  c_function : tipo nome '(' l_variables ')' '{' l_instructions '}'
 105             | tipo nome '(' error ')'

 106  instr  : CONTINUE
 107         | BREAK
 108         | expression
 109         | TITLE '(' cost_str ')'
 110         | TITLE '(' cost_str ',' l_express ')'
 111         | PRINT '(' cost_str ',' l_express ')'
 112         | PRINT '(' cost_str ')'
 113         | APRINT '(' cost_str ',' nome ')'
 114         | CLEAR '(' name ')'
 115         | RETURN expression 
 116         | RESETLOG '(' ')'
 117         | RESETLOG '(' expression ',' expression ')'
 118         | RESETLOG '(' expression ',' expression ',' expression ')'
 119         | prototype

Low Precedence
Operators It is associated with the term on the:
'=' right
OR left
AND left
EQ,NOT_EQ,'<','>',MIU,MAU left
'+','-' left
'*','/','%' left
CH_FUNZ left
High Precedence


Lexical level

LEX format:

SPACE ([\t\r\n ])
LETTER ([a-zA-Z])
DIGIT ([0-9])
F_DIGIT ([1-9])
UNTIL_END ([^\n]*)
R_REM (\/\/)
HEX ((("0x")|("0X"))([a-fA-F]|{DIGIT})+)
OCT (("0")([0-7])+)
VAR_NAME ((("_")|{LETTER})({LETTER}|{DIGIT}|("_"))*)
CONST_STRING (\"[^\"\n]*\")
QUOTE	\'([^\\']|\\[^'\\]+|\\\\)\'
OP	([-+=*/{}();,:%])|("\[")|("\]")
COMMENT ("/*"([^*]*|"*"+[^*/])"*"+\/)
COMMENT_L ("//".*)
\xd	/* Discards LF*/
{COMMENT}	{/* Discards comment */ }
{COMMENTO_L}	{/* Discards comment */ }
do	{return DO; }
if	{return IF; }
else	{return ELSE; }
while	{return WHILE; }
for	{return FOR; }
return	{return RETURN; }
break	{return BREAK; }
continue	{return CONTINUE; }
array	{return ARRAY; }
byte	{return BYTE; }
word	{return WORD; }
dword	{return DWORD; }
sizeof	{return SIZEOF; }
offsetof	{return OFFSETOF; }
getvmvar	{return GETVMVAR; }
printf	{return PRINT; }
aprintf	{return APRINT; }
clear	{return CLEAR; }
arrlen	{return LEN; }
strlen	{return STRLEN; }
resetlog	{CHSAY("RESETLOG");return RESETLOG; }
title	{return TITLE; }
check	{return CHECK; }
conv	{return CONV; }
conv16	{return CONV16; }
conv24	{return CONV24; }
conv32	{return CONV32; }
{CONST_STRING} 	        {return CONST_STRING; }
{HEX}	{return C_H_NUM; }
{OCT}	{return C_O_NUM; }
{QUOTE}	{return LIT_CH; }
"<" {return MIN;}
">" {return MAG;}
AND {return AND;}
"&" {return AND;}
"&&" {return AND;}
OR {return OR;}
"|" {return OR;}
"||" {return OR;}
NOT {return NOT;}
"!" {return NOT;}
"~" {return NOT;}
{OP}	{return *yytext; }
"=="	{return EQ; }
"!="	{return NOT_EQ; }
">="	{return MAU; }
"<="	{return MIU; }
"<<"	{return LSHIFT; }
">>"	{return RSHIFT; }
{VAR}	{return NAME;}
{SPACE}+ {}
. {printf("Scanner error at line %d\n",yylineno);return (SC_ERROR);}

'AND' can be written : 'AND', '&&', '&'

 'OR' can be written : 'OR', '||', '|'

'NOT' can be written : 'NOT', '!', '~'

 '=' can't be written '=='. In file xFF, double equal means comparison while single equal means assignment.