IT Consulting

Savid Technologies caters to the special needs of the small business owner. It's a challenge for small business to fulfill their technology needs; the same needs felt by large organizations but with limited resources. Because of these limitations, smaller organizations must seek new methods that will leverage technology in their favor. By building on similar approaches used by enterprise-class IT Departments, the small business IT Manager, who surely wears many other hats, can deliver substantial results, consequently reducing the hurdles which previously seemed daunting.

Let's face it; it's easier to optimize your department's current resources than it is to create new ones. There are no magic money trees, there are no superhero consulting teams, and there are no enchanted software applications. Only inventive strategies that, if employed well, can overcome the 800-pound gorilla hanging on your back.


July 12, 2006
Savid Technologies invites clients and friends to an open house!

April 17, 2006

Tony Cannata joins Savid as new VP of Sales.

April 6, 2006

Savid Technologies CEO, Michael A. Davis, speaks about the Next Generation Sebek at CanSecWest in Vancouver, Canada.

December 6, 2005

Savid Technologies CEO, Michael A. Davis, speaks about Deception Technologies at FINSEC in NYC.